The Train from Spain - The exposition, Spain

The locomotive No. 8457 was one of four purchased to run at the Ibero-American exposition in Seville in 1929. It ran daily during the fourteen-month duration of the exposition, then occasionally until 1932.
They were apparently sponsored by King Alfonso because the prototype Krauss locos were already booked from Eric Brangsch to run at Barcelona in separatist Catalunia. Whereas the prototypes went on to run at Antwerp, Toulouse, Rotterdam and Cork in the years that followed, our locos were to stay in Spain.
There was a 5 km track round magnificent buildings and gardens that still survive today. The railway operated a 10-15 minute service from 8am to 1pm and 4 until midnight. It carried half a million passengers, running 36,062km without an accident.
Footage from a Spanish language documentary on the 1929 Ibero-American Exposition held in Seville is available on YouTube. Footage of the railway at work is very limited - skip to 1min 41secs to see it! Could this be No.8457?